My name is John Gal and I undertake research on the welfare state and the links between social workers and the welfare state. Earlier in my academic career, I focused on explaining the emergence of social policies in the present and the past but in recent years I have also been much engaged in studies on the ways in which social workers impact social policy. While much of my work focuses on the Israel welfare state, I also engage in cross-national comparative studies. I enjoy undertaking research that contributes to knowledge and helps develop theory but I also strive to contribute through my work to practice and policy-making. I do this at the Hebrew University and at the Taub Center for Social Policy Studies in Israel often in collaboration with colleagues, many former and current students, and, in particular, with my partner, Idit Weiss-Gal.
I believe that academics, and certainly social work academics, have the opportunity and the obligation to contribute to making our society more justice and equal. Luckily, as a member of the academic staff of the Hebrew University, I can engage in research, teaching and changing society for the better.